Photos Of Lake Tahoe
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Lake Tahoe
We went for a trip around the outside of lake Tahoe. here are a few pictures of that trip.

This is one of my favorite images
This is a picture of the mountain, the Sierra Nevada Range. Notice the snow on the top, taken on November 4 2001.
Ponderosa Pine
This is Fran, leaning against a pine thats about 100 feet tall.
Lake Tahoe elevation appx. 6500 feet above sea level
Fed by snow melt and run off from the suronding mountains the lakes water is crystal clear down to 125 feet.
Emerald Bay
There is a small island in the bay, the only one in the entire lake. Inhabited mostly by birds. Visitors are allowed only during the day time, and none after october
Emerald Bay another view
This is looking down towards the lake
Headed Back on Rt. 50 towards Carson City
It was a lovely ride. We Had lunch in Calafornia, drove all the way around the lake, and back home. It's been ages since I have had such a lovely day just riding around.