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Here are more pictures and comments about our wedding day
Septemberr 20th 2002.
It was a cool day when we started out but soon warmed to a lovely 75 degrees and partly cloudy. I was anxious all morning, maybe a little anxious. The first stop was in Siloam Springs to pick up Flowers.

This was taken in Eureka Springs Arkansas

The drive over was fairly uneventfull. The roads were not too busy and we chatted all the way over. All in all a very pleasant ride.

The nervous Bride
She Looks cool and comfortable right? Whats on the menu Darling? No she was not nervous that I could tell.
This is The church where we were Wed
The church was built in 1886. It was very beautiful inside and out. The Minister met us there.
Our Minister- Reverend Duncan
He has spent 39 years in the ministry. A very kind and warm hearted man he offered to marry us free. We did however make a donation to the church.
The window was stained glass
I wish we had a picture of the window it truely was very pretty.
We stopped at The fayettteville Mall for some photos
The wedding went so very well. Both Fran and I felt so natural there at the alter. The ceremoney was most wonderful.
Here is my Lovely Bride
She is as pretty as the lovely roses she wore. Her happiness filled my heart as I said I do and she repeated the same words to me.
At the Mall
It was way to early for dinner when we got to Fayetteville, so we stopped to take some photos. My outfit a simple white blouse with a pleated mini skirt, peals for accesories.
Photo Opportunity
Frans outfit was a blue print slip dress with matching jacket. She wore Rubies in her ears and a pair of white rosses for a corsage. At this point she was proudly sporting a beautiful wedding ring.
Together are we
Together here we stand. Together we shall always Be. the vows I took and the vows repeated by us both are carved in stone in my heart. I intend to spend the rest of my life with Fran. I am now happier than I have ever been in my whole life.
Cocktails would be nice
Although we are not drinkers, ocasionally we do enjoy a drink when we go out. Here Fran has a frozen Margaretta. I enjoyed a drink called a shipwreck, Red Lobsters version of a bloody mary. Pictuer is below. and Yes thats a shrimp on the edge of the glass.
Red Lobster a little history
It was a little over a year ago. Fran and I went to Red Lobster in Charleston, SC. June 10th to be exact was the date in 2001. That evening in our room at the motel, I proposed to her and she accepted. So it was very fitting and right that we should return to the Red Lobster on our wedding day.
Getting into her work
Fran does Love her shell fish. I do also here she works on a snow crab leg digging out the meat so she may dip it into the butter sauce. Her dinner was called the Admirals Feast. I also had shell fish, shrimp in many different ways. It is calles the Shrimp Feast and believe me it is.
Hand in Hand
We will from now on and forever more go on with our lives hand in hand.

Frans ring is a 14 K solid gold with a cluster of diamonds.

My Rings are a saphire solitare set in 14K gold and a 14K gold band.