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These are some of my special friends
This is Amanda Jane, a friend of mine and a very lovely lady. I have great hopes for her future. She is careing, sensitive and very inteligent.

What Amanda has to say.
The voice of life sings soft and low, it beguiles the listener it woes and promises
things, that for most are not real. But listen I must for the voice is a beautiful siren
,Temping, and teasing , I become lost in its sound. But I march forward maybe to
fame or maybe to disgrace. But listen I must the song drowns out the reasoning .It
makes fools of us all, Life the cruel seductress, the tempter the lover of all. The voice
is never quiet for me. But for it drives me with a fire and makes me docile with the
wine of desire. The desire to lesson forever more. But the song is all so sung for
others to hear. Few others can hear it so clear. The song makes us laugh it makes us
cry. The song a ballet so sweet will only quiet the day of that final sleep..... Amanda .........

this is My Friend Sherri.
Sherri goes to church where I do, she is a wonderful and true friend. She is my spritual guide and confidant. One could not find a better sister.
Trust in the Lord, he shall guide you.
My Drivers Licence

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